Simple example tutorial

Definition of terms

  • configuration file - A yaml file that configures markmeld and specifies targets (Default: _markmeld.yaml).
  • target - A specific recipe to run that usually builds an output.
  • data - Content, either in markdown or yaml format, used to produce a target.
  • template - A jinja2 file defining how the input will be integrated to produce the output.

A simple example

Here's demo/_markmeld.yaml, a simple example that produces a single basic target:

    output_file: "{today}_demo_output.pdf"  
    latex_template: pandoc_default.tex
    jinja_template: jinja_template.jinja
    command: |
        pandoc --template "{latex_template}" --output "{output_file}"
        - some_data.yaml

This file specifies a single target, target1. This target can be built by specifying mm target1 on the command line. Building target1 will read structured data from some_data.yaml and prose from, integrated through the jinja_template.jinja. The integrated output of the template will be piped to stdin of the pandoc command to produce the output file named in the output_file variable.

Using the command line

Markmeld gives you a series of CLI arguments:

  • mm - List available targets concisely
  • mm -c <config> - Specify a different config file (defaults to _markmeld.yaml).
  • mm -l - List the available targets with their descriptions.
  • mm <target> - Builds the target
  • mm <target> -p - Prints out the output (what would be piped to the command on stdin)
  • mm <target> -d - Dumps the structured input before melding with jinja, so you can see what your jinja template will be receiving. Useful for troubleshooting jinja templates.
  • mm <target> -e - Explains the target -- shows you from the config file what this target is actually doing.