
It's super useful to define global config options, and then re-use them across projects. You can do this with imports. So I have a global config file, say path/to/other/_markmeld.yaml:

    sciquill: /home/nsheff/code/sciquill/
    figczar: /home/nsheff/code/sciquill/pandoc_filters/figczar/figczar.lua
    highlighter: /home/nsheff/code/sciquill/pandoc_filters/change_marker/change_marker.lua
    multirefs: /home/nsheff/code/sciquill/pandoc_filters/multi-refs/multi-refs.lua
    csl: /home/nsheff/code/sciquill/csl/biomed-central.csl
    bibdb: /home/nsheff/code/papers/sheffield.bib

Now you use:

  - path/to/other/_markmeld.yaml

And now I can use {figczar} and {bibdb} in command section of a _markmeld.yaml file. If you want to be really cool, maybe point to this config file with $MARKMELD and then use:


It works! Imports are in priority order, and lower priority than whatever you have in the local file, like css. You can also use inherit_from on imported targets:

  - path/to/other/_markmeld.yaml
    inherit_from: base_target      <--- defined in imported file

Relative imports

In general imports, any relative paths will be considered relative to the importing file. This allows you to define targets that expect some relative files, and then use those for different files of the same names in different directories.

But sometimes you want to import a remote target and keep its relative paths relative to imported file. For that, you can use imports_relative:

  - these/targets/are/relative/to/here/_markmeld.yaml
  - these/targets/are/relative/to/there/_markmeld.yaml

One thing that can be tricky: if you import a file in relative_imports, and that file imports another, with imports... Then the targets in the second fill will be considered relative to the first file. That's because they are relative to the importing file, which in this case, is the first imported file. So, this can be a bit confusing if you are nesting relative imports. My advice is to just not import anything in a file that's imported with imports_relative.